Dear friends and colleagues,
We hope that you are all in good health and good spirits.
2024 IFNE- JSNE- GLEN- NESI-CSNE Hands-on Workshop on Cerebral, Ventricular and Skull Neuroendoscopy will be held in Naples-Italy from 12 to 16 February 2024.
For another year, we have the implicit support of Japanese Society of Neuroendoscopy (JSNE), Grupo Latinoamericano de Estudios en Neuroendoscopia (GLEN), Neuroendoscopy Society-India (NESI), Chinese Society for Neuroendoscopy (CSNE), Societa Italiana Neurochirurgia (SINCH), The European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS) and World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS). A special thanks goes to Centro di Biotecnologie A.O.R.N.” Antonio Cardarelli” that will help the realization of our event for another year. Thanks to extensive works of enlargement of working surfaces in the hands-on area, we will be able to offer excellent social distancing during hands-on still maintaining a good number of trainees (40) for 20 working stations.
As usual, enthusiastic faculty participation will allow the excellent Tutor/Trainees ratio of 1x2 confirming the presence of a world expert at each hands-on workstation for two trainees. This year, the Scientific Program will bring a rich assortment of lectures, video presentations, live demonstration on anatomical models and dissection videos. You will find educational sessions exploring ventricular endoscopy, cerebral endoscopy and skull base endoscopy delivered by world-renowned international faculty. Our workshop welcomes senior, students and recent graduate neurosurgeons who practice or want to practice neuroendoscopic surgery. Between each session, participants will have the opportunity to network and connect with other scientists from all over the world.
The transfer of knowledge knows no boundaries and throughout this evolving situation, we are here with the goal of making learning more accessible and inspire interaction. Your active participation will undoubtedly contribute to a
successful and productive meeting.
With warm regards,
Prof. Giuseppe Cinalli Chair of the
Organizing Committee | Prof. Luigi Maria Cavallo Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee | Prof. Henry Schroeder
IFNE President 2021-2023 |